Returning to University

During a time of change around the world, it has become apparent that we as architects need to adapt and grow our practice. To get involved beyond the office, principals Jason DeMarco & Andrew Tang have decided to get teach courses at the University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Architecture.

During Fall 2020, our principals taught a graduate lecture course, Systems II: Qualitative Bioclimatic & Structural Performance. In this course, they shared their knowledge that has been gained through 20+ years of experience around the globe with students on the cusp of entering their professional careers. By introducing these students to the technicalities of design, they will be able to apply their learnings into their work beyond the classroom.

Coming up in Summer 2021, Jason & Andrew will be teaching a studio for graduate students entering into the School of Architecture from various undergrad backgrounds. This course will compile studio teachings from all 4 undergrad years into one swift summer and has been named “Bootcamp”. While courses are still planning to be held remotely, Jason and Andrew stress the importance of collaboration during and after studio hours.

As Jason & Andrew take on their own students, they also have chosen to serve on the dissertation advisory committee as they have been invited to join the Dean’s Advisory Council.


Happy 1st Anniversary!